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    Terms & Conditions

    You must be at least 21 years of age to bring and consume alcohol (valid ID required). Anyone under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by someone 21 years age or older and will be solely responsible for the minor.

    There is a 6-person minimum for all tours to be booked.

    Please try to arrive for your tour approximately 10-15 minutes early to ensure an on-time departure. Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" drivers and operators will not leave any later than 15 minutes after the scheduled departure time. If you miss your tour, you will still be charged in full for the tour.

    If Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" guests arrive at the tour meeting place intoxicated, it is at the driver or operators’ discretion whether or not to allow them on board. If you are turned away due to intoxication, you will still be charged in full for the tour.

    All laws and rules regarding alcohol apply to all passengers before, during, and after Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tours.

    Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" guests should expect to be intoxicated when the tour concludes if alcohol is consumed. You are responsible for making your own post-tour travel arrangements via taxi, designated driver, etc. Don’t drive drunk!

    Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" guests are responsible for leaving the fire engine clean when departing the tour. If a guest becomes sick and vomits, there will be a $200 cleaning fee charged to the card that is on file that was used to book the tour. The $200 cleaning fee will be charged to the card that is on file that was used to book the tour if there is any trash or items left on the fire engine upon departure of guests.

    Inappropriate behavior will result in the offending guests(s) being asked by Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" drivers or operators to disembark immediately. No refund will be issued to guest(s) requested to leave. Passengers will be responsible for their own transportation from the point of leaving. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to: Extreme intoxication, public urination /vomiting, giving alcohol to non-passengers or passengers under 21 years of age, foul language or gestures, excessive noise/screaming, inappropriate behavior toward non-passengers and passengers, or throwing anything off of the fire engine.


    In consideration for the services of Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" (“Operator”), each person signing below (“Participant”) acknowledges and agrees as follows:

    1. To assume and accept all risks arising out of, associated with or related to any and all activities in any way related to participation in events or services provided, arranged, organized, conducted, sponsored, authorized or allowed by Operator, whether such activities take place entering, exiting or while a passenger on the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" fire engine or any other arranged transportation, inside or outside the premises of any brewery, restaurant, pub or tavern, or on any other property on which all or part of the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour takes place. Participant acknowledges and voluntarily assumes the risks of illness, injury and death associated with these activities, inherent or otherwise. These risks include but are not limited to: A) impairment, intoxication and/or alcohol poisoning from the alcohol consumed whether voluntarily or through coercion; B) the possibility of bodily injury, including dental damages from falling down, being knocked down or being involved in a physical confrontation, whether caused by Participant or someone else; C) injuries, death or property damage associated with traveling to any destination after the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour, especially the risks involved in operating a motorized vehicle after consuming alcohol.

    2. To be solely responsible for any injury, loss or damage which Participant might sustain, even though such injury, loss or damage may have been caused by the negligence of Operator. Participant agrees to follow all instructions given by the Operator’s staff. Participant understands that accidents and injuries can occur even if instructions are followed. Participant may be removed from any tour within the discretion of the Operator.

    3. To release the Operator, its staff, owners, directors, volunteers, independent contractors, representatives, Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" and owners of the property on which the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour is conducted (“Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury, including death, that Participant may suffer from Participant’s presence on the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour. This release extends to claims arising from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to negligence of a Released Party, breach of contract, products liability or breach of a duty to protect Participant from risks or hazards of the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" activity, excepting Operator’s gross negligence or intentionally wrongful conduct.

    4. To hold harmless and indemnify (that is, defend and pay, including costs and attorney fees) the Released Parties and each of them from liability for any claim, including damage to property or personal injury and death, of Participant and/or any third party (including family members and co-participants), arising from or in any way related to Participant’s presence on the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour or participation in the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" activities.

    5. To accept responsibility for all expenses that may be incurred for any illness or injury that may result from Participant’s presence on the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tour or participation in the Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" activities. Participant agrees that the substantive laws of the state of Florida (but not those laws which may apply the laws of another jurisdiction) shall govern this agreement and that the courts with jurisdiction in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton County shall have jurisdiction in any dispute that may arise between the Participant and the Operator. Participant hereby waives the right to trial by jury. Should any part of this agreement be determined to be invalid by a court with proper jurisdiction, all other portions of this agreement shall nevertheless remain valid and in full force and effect.

    Participant has read and fully understands this agreement. Participant is aware that by accepting this agreement Participant is waiving the rights Participant or Participant’s heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives may have.

    Photo Release

    By participating in Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tours and/or activities, I hereby grant Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.

    I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" and will not be returned.

    I hereby irrevocably authorize Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.

    I hereby hold harmless, release, and forever discharge Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.


    Cancellation / Refund Policies

    We have a no-refund policy. We reserve the right to reschedule your tour at our discretion due to scheduling conflicts. We will rebook your tour for one year to the date of your initial reservation. All requests must be sent via email.

    Contact Authorization

    I, by booking and/or participating in Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" tours and/or activities, hereby authorize Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper", and their owners, employees, and affiliates to contact me by phone, email, or by mail. I, furthermore, give permission to Miles Unlimited Ventures LLC DBA "Gulf Coast Party Pumper" market to me by phone, email or by mail.